Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Deck and the Doors

At last! Progress!

The pink batts are standard insulation materials round here - the R rating will be about R3, which is more than adequate in a sub-tropical climate

Evidence of workmen...

The beginnings of the deck outside the front door

Now we've worked out which way up it goes, the Modwood decking looks great

The cool room wine doors!

Although the walls aren't in yet, the doors look great across the room

Toby's happy!


Snippety Gibbet said...

This is such a very cool house. I can hardly wait to see the finished product.

Fiona said...

Looking good ... only one concern: the huge step up into the cool room could lead to some tipsy accidents. Just saying!!!

Carol said...

Love seeing your progress with the house. It's looking wonderful, you must be very happy living in such a beautiful place. The garden has such potential; and I like the way you've had the landscaping done. Expensive but well worth it in the long run.